At-large candidates respond to East County questionnaire

Update (June 2): one additional candidate response has been added.

About a month ago, the “Coalition of East County Citizens” distributed a questionnaire to the candidates seeking an at-large seat on the Montgomery County Council. 11 of the 33 Democratic candidates replied, plus one Green Party candidate and one Republican candidate.

Photos of the At-Large Candidates that responded to the Coalition of East County Citizens questionnaire by the deadline (in alphabetical order). Left-to-right, top-to-bottom: Ashwani Jain, Bill Conway, Cherri Branson, Evan Glass, Hans Reimer, Hoan Dang, Marilyn Balcombe, Michele Riley, Neil Greenberger, Seth Grimes, Steve Solomon, and Tim Willard
Photos of the At-Large Candidates that responded to the Coalition of East County Citizens questionnaire by the deadline (in alphabetical order). Left-to-right, top-to-bottom: Ashwani Jain, Bill Conway, Cherri Branson, Evan Glass, Hans Reimer, Hoan Dang, Marilyn Balcombe, Michele Riley, Neil Greenberger, Seth Grimes, Steve Solomon, and Tim Willard.

Who developed the questionnaire?

The questions were developed by members of the Coalition of East County Citizens that have been active in local advocacy for several years. The questions mainly focused on issues of importance to East County. The Coalition thanks the following organizations, which agreed to notify their members about the candidate responses to the questionnaire and the opportunity to comment on them:

  • Calverton Citizens Association
  • District 14 Democratic Club
  • Fairland Estates Civic Association
  • Good Hope Estates Civic Association
  • Greater Colesville Citizens Association
  • Hillandale Citizens Association
  • NEC-S PTAs
  • Stonegate Civic Association
  • Tamarack Triangle Civic Association

Questions about the questionnaire and the Coalition of East County Citizens should be directed to Paul Berman and Peter Myo Khin at

Which candidates had the best answers?

Sorry–there are no scorings or rankings in this post.

The group that developed the questions asked me to share the candidate’s responses on this website so that the public could review them and use them to guide their decision on Primary Election Day. There are no plans for a “Coalition of East County Citizens” endorsement.

I agreed not to add any commentary on the same page where I post the responses. However, I might summarize the responses and share some general thoughts on the responses in a future blog post, if people request it.

That being said, if any residents–or candidates!–would like to write a guest post on which candidate(s) is best-suited to serve East County, feel free to comment below or email me at

Below is the questionnaire and the responses received to date (as of May 14). Candidates are listed in alphabetical order of first name.

Finally, readers are welcome to leave a comment at the bottom of the page, under “Leave a Reply”.

2018 East County At Large Council Candidate Questionnaire

The Coalition of East County Citizens is composed of residents from Burtonsville, Calverton, Fairland, Good Hope Estates, Hillandale and Spencerville. Our primary goal is to empower residents to engage in local government and politics and to promote equity for East County.

East County is among the most culturally and economically diverse parts of the county. And with developments planned around Hillandale, Tech Road and Viva White Oak, it will soon be one of the fastest growing areas as well. Despite this tremendous potential, this area continues to struggle with pockets of poverty, crime hotspots, traffic gridlock, lack of community gathering spaces, and blight.

Please complete this questionnaire by May 14. Limiting your words to 250 words or less is highly recommended. Your response to this questionnaire will be made available to the public at

Question 1: Community Engagement

Describe your past or present involvement with East County activities. These may include attending community workshops, advisory board meetings, testifying at public hearings on issues related to East County, meet-and-greets, or local festivals.  How would you support these community-led projects in the future?

Question 2: Economic Development

Viva White Oak promises to bring thousands of jobs over many decades, but many are concerned that this project could displace local residents and that the project lacks minority, female, and disabled-owned business requirements. What does success look like for this project and what steps would you take to ensure that success?

Question 3: Economic Development, continued

Many shopping centers in East County are underdeveloped compared to other parts of the county. The Burtonsville Crossing shopping center has remained largely vacant for nearly a decade; half of the White Oak shopping center is vacant due to the declining business at Sears; Briggs Chaney was a “food desert” for nearly a year due to the departure of Safeway; and Hillandale has substandard retail options. What role does the Council have in enhancing the economic vitality of East County? What specific solutions to these problems would you advocate for as a councilmember?

Question 4: Transportation

There are $101 million in transportation improvements included in the White Oak Local Area Transportation Improvement Program (LATIP). To fund these improvements, the Council must appropriate LATIP funding, transportation impact taxes, and forward fund projects using GO bonds. Recall that the East County has provided impact taxes for many years and received almost no local improvements. Are you committed to using impact tax funding collected in East County on projects in this area? County DOT has stated that developers can build transportation improvements faster and likely at a lower cost. Do you support developers receiving credits for making the needed improvements?

Question 5: Transportation, continued

Despite the fact that approximately 40% of East County households only own one car and 10% are car-free, this area remains underserved by transit. The current BRT proposal for 29 runs in mixed traffic for a significant portion of the route. Do you support a dedicated lane for BRT from Burtonsville to Sligo Creek Parkway? Do you support improving east-west connectivity through projects like BRT on New Hampshire Ave and BRT on Randolph Road? How would you propose to fund these improvements?

Question 6: Parks and Recreation

Many of the parks in East County have been historically underfunded, including Hillandale and Maydale. Hillandale, for example, was initially promised a $9 million renovation in the White Oak Science Gateway Master Plan, but is only receiving approximately $5 million. How would you fix this inequity?

Question 7: Education

Many of our elementary and middle school students lack access to top magnet and language immersion programs that are available to other students in the county. How would you improve access to these programs in light of transportation challenges for East County families?

Question 8: Fiscal Policy

Despite the strong economy and low unemployment, the Council recently had to close a $120 million budget shortfall. How would you change the county’s budgeting process to prevent this from happening in the future?

What can you do to get involved?

  1. Vote in the 2018 primary election on Tuesday June 26. Early voting for the primary will be open June 14 to 21.
  2. Only voters affiliated with a political party are allowed to vote. Note that for the 2018 Primary Election, the deadline to change your party affiliation is June 5, 2018 (you can do it online).
  3. A helpful, unbiased guide to the election is available at
  4. You can also visit the official State Board of Elections website to learn more and check your registration status.

2 thoughts on “At-large candidates respond to East County questionnaire”

  1. Thanks for giving the At Large Candidates the opportunity to respond. It’s a crazy race and this will allow residents in the East County an opportunity to learn more about the candidates.

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